
Co-Worker Had an Aggressive Meltdown. Created a Hostile Work Environment, but is being kept on staff –

I am absolutely floored that this even happened. A co-worker had a complete aggressive meltdown in a team meeting in-front of our entire team as well as our manager and a larger corporate manager. The team member completely decompensated during this meeting and engaged in a very loud and aggressive verbal altercation. Their body language and mannerisms were extremely intimidating, and the team as a whole described the incident as hostile. I myself had an absolute panic attack from the fear. I have previously had aggressive interactions with this employee, which were finally reported to HR once new management took over, as old management would not allow me to report this to HR. This employee is also aggressive with customers, and presents themselves as angry and dominant when communicating within the team. This employee cannot take any constructive criticism either. There is truly no way to effectively communicate with them.…

I am absolutely floored that this even happened.

A co-worker had a complete aggressive meltdown in a team meeting in-front of our entire team as well as our manager and a larger corporate manager.

The team member completely decompensated during this meeting and engaged in a very loud and aggressive verbal altercation. Their body language and mannerisms were extremely intimidating, and the team as a whole described the incident as hostile. I myself had an absolute panic attack from the fear.

I have previously had aggressive interactions with this employee, which were finally reported to HR once new management took over, as old management would not allow me to report this to HR.

This employee is also aggressive with customers, and presents themselves as angry and dominant when communicating within the team. This employee cannot take any constructive criticism either. There is truly no way to effectively communicate with them.

HR is currently in the middle of the investigation, but I was notified today that this employee may not be fired.

My company may be deciding instead of firing the employee, they are forcing them to work remote, will be upping security measures, not allowing us to work alone with this employee, and those of us who have to work their shift with them will be made to leave on our lunch to go finish the day from home to remain safe.

I was told the company may be taking this course of action to ensure this employee cannot legally retaliate. But isn’t it more of a liability to keep them when the entire team has expressed their fears of what this employee may be capable of?

I am honestly floored. How is this an acceptable course of action? We are being forced to modify our entire work day to avoid this person out of fear.

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