
collective agreement implementation date

So my union recently ratified a new beginning agreement. The previous agreement ended July 1 2022. New one ratified Jan 31, 2023. Union rep and HR both seem to say the changes to previous articles in the new one take effect at ratification date. There is nothing in the agreement that says this. They “think its common law” but won't cite a law. Does anyone know either way, my Google fu is coming up blank. Decedent of generations of union labour's I seem to believe from experience that collective agreements are implemented at time of ending of the last one, unless negotiated and written in that they do not. BC Canada

So my union recently ratified a new beginning agreement. The previous agreement ended July 1 2022. New one ratified Jan 31, 2023. Union rep and HR both seem to say the changes to previous articles in the new one take effect at ratification date. There is nothing in the agreement that says this. They “think its common law” but won't cite a law. Does anyone know either way, my Google fu is coming up blank. Decedent of generations of union labour's I seem to believe from experience that collective agreements are implemented at time of ending of the last one, unless negotiated and written in that they do not.
BC Canada

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