
Colorado law mandates two hours paid to vote; boss says I have to use pto or make time up?!

Well, follow up to former post. In Colorado employers are required to give two hours paid. As far as I know, they can't penalize me if I don't make it up or go over two hours. But… My bosses bare telling me that's apparently not true. This is massively illegal, to threaten punishment for trying to do my civil duty right? I have been down this road before and I should not have to make up time or even use pto to do so. I've been told this by OTHER employers but these guys want to pretend ignorance. I honestly wasn't trying to get time off early but now I'm actually hot under the collar about this. I mean I was just asking what would happen if I wanted to vote. I was recently penalized for my PC not working and even though IT fixed the issue (proving that it…

Well, follow up to former post. In Colorado employers are required to give two hours paid. As far as I know, they can't penalize me if I don't make it up or go over two hours.

But… My bosses bare telling me that's apparently not true. This is massively illegal, to threaten punishment for trying to do my civil duty right? I have been down this road before and I should not have to make up time or even use pto to do so. I've been told this by OTHER employers but these guys want to pretend ignorance.

I honestly wasn't trying to get time off early but now I'm actually hot under the collar about this. I mean I was just asking what would happen if I wanted to vote.

I was recently penalized for my PC not working and even though IT fixed the issue (proving that it existed), they wouldn't waive that point. I was a grand freaking total of 13 minutes late.

What can I do here?? Other than quit…

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