
Is it worth it to even send this email?

So I recently posted about a very bizarre experience I had interviewing for a position that wasn't available. Basically I was contacted by the center to interview for a job that l, from the listing, seemed pretty up my alley. When I called to set something up, basically the director lead me to believe that there was only one chance to interview and it would need to be at the day and time she selected. I'm currently working full time and we are short staffed, so my manager wasn't exactly thrilled with me scheduling from my earned PTO to leave early on a Friday, which is usually our busiest day. So yeah, the job wasn't even available. Now I'm getting emails about being a candidate for entirely different position THAT THEY DONT EVEN HAVE YET. They're saying they're “sending out feelers” to see whether or not they could/ have the…

So I recently posted about a very bizarre experience I had interviewing for a position that wasn't available. Basically I was contacted by the center to interview for a job that l, from the listing, seemed pretty up my alley. When I called to set something up, basically the director lead me to believe that there was only one chance to interview and it would need to be at the day and time she selected. I'm currently working full time and we are short staffed, so my manager wasn't exactly thrilled with me scheduling from my earned PTO to leave early on a Friday, which is usually our busiest day.

So yeah, the job wasn't even available. Now I'm getting emails about being a candidate for entirely different position THAT THEY DONT EVEN HAVE YET. They're saying they're “sending out feelers” to see whether or not they could/ have the capability /required accreditation to start a different grade class for older students, and if they do they'd like to interview me for that position.

The director sent me an email saying ” you have such a calming aura about you”. I replied “Thanks. May I ask when position I initially applied for was filled?”
” those decisions are collectively made and are private matters between leadership team”

I'm never going to work there, that much is clear. I'm wondering if it's worth it to send a drafted email I'm working on in response that says “…. I confirmed the time and day with you over the phone, then again over email a few days after and then through text, call and email the day before and the day of……you are asking that I set aside more time to now interview for position that I never applied for, do not want and is entirely hypothetical in nature. If the way you treat candidates is any reflection on how you treat your staff, then I feel that I should be fully transparent in telling you I am no longer interested”” something like that… Idk. It's probably not even worth the effort of writing but I hate that I didn't say these things in person when I had the chance.

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