
Comcast/Xfinity, you can lick the crack on my backside!

I worked for Comcast/Xfinity for 3 years in the past, but haven't worked there well over a year and half now. This story is more about what has happened to my roommate, but I am still glad to not be working there any longer. I also quit without notice because that company didn't gain any respect from myself. What my roommate has gone through seems worse than what I dealt with (and I dealt with the rude customers while he is internal and sticks with employees needing help). He has been there almost 4 years now. He gets base pay with quarterly bonuses if his department does well. His base pay started at $13 and he currently makes $15.40 due to differential working a later shift. For the last 8 months he has mentioned to me that him and others on the team keep asking about more pay. For the…

I worked for Comcast/Xfinity for 3 years in the past, but haven't worked there well over a year and half now. This story is more about what has happened to my roommate, but I am still glad to not be working there any longer. I also quit without notice because that company didn't gain any respect from myself.

What my roommate has gone through seems worse than what I dealt with (and I dealt with the rude customers while he is internal and sticks with employees needing help). He has been there almost 4 years now. He gets base pay with quarterly bonuses if his department does well. His base pay started at $13 and he currently makes $15.40 due to differential working a later shift. For the last 8 months he has mentioned to me that him and others on the team keep asking about more pay. For the last 6 months they kept saying they were laser focused, but recently over the last few months they stopped mentioning the pay situation.

His stats started to drop because he was lacking motivation so his supervisor had a 1 on 1 with him to see what was going on. He basically laid out that he just hated that his job responsibilities have increased yet his pay had stayed stagnant, and that leadership kept saying they were laser focused on pay yet nothing was being done. His supervisor straight up told my roommate “IF YOU WANT MORE MONEY TO FIND ANOTHER JOB. SUBWAY MALES MORE AND HOUR THAN YOU DO, BUT YOU'LL DEAL WITH MORE STRESS”. I was taken aback at first because what supervisor, let alone anyone you work with that should be a mentor to you, should tell their employee to find another job for more money after this company's leadership mentioned for many months about being laser focused on pay increases???

Not only is Comcast/Xfinity a terrible company to do business switch as a customer, but an employee can't even rely on them after months of pay increase talk. My roommate put in his two week notice yesterday, and when he told the manager their reply was “Thanks…. Best of luck on your future endeavors”.

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