
Comp hours 2 week notice

New job wants me to start 31st been in communication many times looking like the 7th. Current job I’m well liked and I like it there as well. Searched for new employment due to 2nd consecutive year raise freeze. My dilema is I have 40 something hours of Comp hours that are NOT on my PTO HR page. Supervisor has them essentially on a honor system. He prefers them to be used before PTO electronically request (We’re salary) I’ve heard rumored not same department still under same supervisor, coworker was not compensated for his Comp hours with 2 week notice. Advice needed do I give 2 week notice and question and receive In writing would my comp hours be added to my remaining PTO payout, do give 1 week notice and question if my comp hours in writing added to my remains PTO and make new employers 31st start date.…

New job wants me to start 31st been in communication many times looking like the 7th. Current job I’m well liked and I like it there as well. Searched for new employment due to 2nd consecutive year raise freeze. My dilema is I have 40 something hours of Comp hours that are NOT on my PTO HR page. Supervisor has them essentially on a honor system. He prefers them to be used before PTO electronically request (We’re salary) I’ve heard rumored not same department still under same supervisor, coworker was not compensated for his Comp hours with 2 week notice. Advice needed do I give 2 week notice and question and receive In writing would my comp hours be added to my remaining PTO payout, do give 1 week notice and question if my comp hours in writing added to my remains PTO and make new employers 31st start date. Give 2 week notice still question Comp hours in writing compensation explain to new employer start date the 7th (which they been cool with) and take wifey on week Vacation as I wouldn’t ask for one this summer and we prefer winter time off anyway.

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