
Company accused me of a… mutiny? I guess?

I come in today, and they had someone else call out (he calls out once a week, whatever he’s a teenager and doesn’t have any bills and it’s a stupid part-time gig and they treat people horribly there so whatever he’s tryna chill), so they’re all stressed out. Management calls me into the office, to explain to me this very bizarre scenario they believe to be happening, where I have orchestrated continuous callouts amongst the staff at inconvenient times and days in an attempt to drive the department manager nuts enough to quit lol. It’s truly a bizarre claim. The manager wasn’t even there today, so if that were the case, why today? Also, like, they seriously think I’m spending my days off by the phone giving orders to their employees to take days off and they’re going through with it like I’m some kind of mob boss and they’re…

I come in today, and they had someone else call out (he calls out once a week, whatever he’s a teenager and doesn’t have any bills and it’s a stupid part-time gig and they treat people horribly there so whatever he’s tryna chill), so they’re all stressed out.

Management calls me into the office, to explain to me this very bizarre scenario they believe to be happening, where I have orchestrated continuous callouts amongst the staff at inconvenient times and days in an attempt to drive the department manager nuts enough to quit lol. It’s truly a bizarre claim. The manager wasn’t even there today, so if that were the case, why today? Also, like, they seriously think I’m spending my days off by the phone giving orders to their employees to take days off and they’re going through with it like I’m some kind of mob boss and they’re my henchmen? Lol like what?? Btw, I never even call out, even when I don’t feel well enough to work I go in because I need the money.

Then, they said “well the call outs need to stop.” So like, what then? No more callouts? Am I to take away from that comment that that is the new policy? If someone is having a heart attack they are to fight the paramedics out of the ambulance to come work their minimum wage job while having cardiac arrest? Like, I’m pretty sure if people call out they have to deal with it lol. Furthermore, it baffles me that they were coming at me, who never calls out, with this. Like tf they want me to do about it? Lol.

Anyways, it was really stressful and bizarre and I didn’t know where else to vent about it lol.

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