
Company and employees failed to read contract and now all employees are owed time off. How to approach this?

I’ve worked at my facility for 6 years and I just read our collective bargaining agreement. We’re entitled to 12 statutory holidays each year but management has only been giving us 11. This has been going on since I started working there and likely much longer in the past. I think it’s been in the contact for like 30 years actually. Someone brought it up to my boss and he realized the mistake. Told everyone we get an extra day off this year. But I want to be compensated for the full 6 years that I’ve worked without pay. After all, I did work those days and according to the CBA, I’m entitled to compensation. Our CBA states that any time after our regular 40 hours is to be paid in double time. So essentially they owe me 5 more days off or about $5000. And what about the guys…

I’ve worked at my facility for 6 years and I just read our collective bargaining agreement. We’re entitled to 12 statutory holidays each year but management has only been giving us 11. This has been going on since I started working there and likely much longer in the past. I think it’s been in the contact for like 30 years actually. Someone brought it up to my boss and he realized the mistake. Told everyone we get an extra day off this year. But I want to be compensated for the full 6 years that I’ve worked without pay. After all, I did work those days and according to the CBA, I’m entitled to compensation. Our CBA states that any time after our regular 40 hours is to be paid in double time. So essentially they owe me 5 more days off or about $5000. And what about the guys that have missed out on that day for the last 30 years? Multiply that by 8.5 hours at double time for all those years is tens of thousands of dollars. How do I approach this? For reference, I’m in Alberta Canada.


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