
Company forces us to buy our own plane tickets to mandatory events

This feels like it should be illegal or at least massively unethical. Little bit of background: I work as a W2 employee in a company that pays us 100% commission (they won't let us go 1099 for tax reasons). We have mandatory training a couple times a year. Today I learned that we have to fly to Cincinnati next month to meet with a manufacturer. At 6 weeks out you can imagine what the plane tickets cost. Here's the real kicker…..we're allowed to 'expense' them, but that just means it's pre-tax, and the cost of the ticket will be deducted from our next commission check. Basically giving loans to ourselves. Anyone else in this situation?

This feels like it should be illegal or at least massively unethical. Little bit of background: I work as a W2 employee in a company that pays us 100% commission (they won't let us go 1099 for tax reasons). We have mandatory training a couple times a year. Today I learned that we have to fly to Cincinnati next month to meet with a manufacturer. At 6 weeks out you can imagine what the plane tickets cost. Here's the real kicker…..we're allowed to 'expense' them, but that just means it's pre-tax, and the cost of the ticket will be deducted from our next commission check. Basically giving loans to ourselves. Anyone else in this situation?

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