
Company furloughing employees

Hi there, In the last two weeks my job has been going through a furlough process. Last week it was 58 people throughout the company & then as of today another 7 just from my team (almost half) were furloughed. I was lucky enough not to be one of them (yet.) I am obviously concerned & feel like I have a bullseye on my back. The company is being very hush hush about the entire thing & just basically refusing to address the elephant in the room but word travels fast amongst employees. Does anyone have any advice they can offer as to what I should do or what to expect? I’ve never worked for a company who has gone through a furlough process. I’ve already begun looking for other jobs just in case. But just wanting some insight on this from anyone who may have gone through this experience…

Hi there,
In the last two weeks my job has been going through a furlough process. Last week it was 58 people throughout the company & then as of today another 7 just from my team (almost half) were furloughed. I was lucky enough not to be one of them (yet.) I am obviously concerned & feel like I have a bullseye on my back. The company is being very hush hush about the entire thing & just basically refusing to address the elephant in the room but word travels fast amongst employees.

Does anyone have any advice they can offer as to what I should do or what to expect? I’ve never worked for a company who has gone through a furlough process. I’ve already begun looking for other jobs just in case. But just wanting some insight on this from anyone who may have gone through this experience themselves. Thank you!

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