
Company laid me off but screwed themselves over

I work for one of the largest private companies in the US. I am the only person who does what I do and I'm an expert at it. I also have a dual-role so I'm doing the job of multiple people. They refused to assign a SME under myself and put all of their eggs in one basket with me being the only expert for the entire company. I started reflecting in December and realized that they were not supporting me in my professional development and had actually said “No” to every single request I made for continuing education or opportunities to learn more about the industry because a lot of it is new to me. They also lied to me about the reason they said no. I manage the entire program but was explicitly excluded from a meeting with the CEO of the program company. That was the breaking…

I work for one of the largest private companies in the US. I am the only person who does what I do and I'm an expert at it. I also have a dual-role so I'm doing the job of multiple people. They refused to assign a SME under myself and put all of their eggs in one basket with me being the only expert for the entire company.

I started reflecting in December and realized that they were not supporting me in my professional development and had actually said “No” to every single request I made for continuing education or opportunities to learn more about the industry because a lot of it is new to me. They also lied to me about the reason they said no. I manage the entire program but was explicitly excluded from a meeting with the CEO of the program company. That was the breaking point.

I started looking for new jobs in December and planned to jump ship since I'm clearly not being valued. I was contacted by a recruiter for a position the day after I applied. I had the first interview within a week and it went great.

Plot twist: The following week my current company announces that my position has been eliminated. They offered a severance and asked me to stay on for a few weeks to help them transition.

Luckily, I had already scheduled the final interview for the other job the following week.

I just got offered the job I interviewed for. The start date is just after my term date for my current position. So I get to pocket the severance and will be making a salary that's at least 20% higher than my current (still negotiating). So instead of just quitting, I'm getting paid to leave and I already have another job lined up. And the new job is 100% remote which was a point of contention with my current employer because I refused to go to office 3x/week.

Suck it, *******!

TLDR: Got laid off in the middle of searching for a new job but got a job offer two weeks after notice of lay-off. I get to keep severance, make more money at new job and new job is 100% remote.

Edit: SME = Subject Matter Expert

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