
Company lost 3 birds with one stone

Short story as I hate typing on the phone: I am a mid-level manager. Promotion opens up in my plant and most blue collars root for me to get it as I am quite popular. I apply and nominate my right hand guy as my successor, a fantastic person. Corporate rejects cause “I am not ready” and hires externally a narcissistic asshole with no experience in our sector. A year passes. KPIs are destroyed, turnover is through the roof, my right hand guy quits with my blessings. I just handed my resignation since I finally found a better job only to find out that guy that got the job I wanted quit 2 hours before me. Upper management offered me the job but I refused with a laugh. I am having my best week ever and high season just started!! Why do HR departments destroy plants like this and get…

Short story as I hate typing on the phone:

I am a mid-level manager. Promotion opens up in my plant and most blue collars root for me to get it as I am quite popular. I apply and nominate my right hand guy as my successor, a fantastic person.

Corporate rejects cause “I am not ready” and hires externally a narcissistic asshole with no experience in our sector. A year passes. KPIs are destroyed, turnover is through the roof, my right hand guy quits with my blessings.

I just handed my resignation since I finally found a better job only to find out that guy that got the job I wanted quit 2 hours before me. Upper management offered me the job but I refused with a laugh.

I am having my best week ever and high season just started!! Why do HR departments destroy plants like this and get away with it?

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