
Company messes up interview date twice… third attempt tomorrow

So I am in the market to find something new as my current role will be dissolved within 6-8 months, and I would rather not try to move to a new team as this company is not the greatest at retention and attrition. They buy out companies, and gradually trim out everything and about 10% of the people would be left who may or may not still have a job at the end of the process. Well our company was acquired and when 5 of us were part of the acquisition, it ended up just being me left behind as everyone else had left voluntarily, medically or simply never came back from sick leave. Since then I was the only one doing the work of all 5 people for about 5 months. Well, 3 months ago I finally get some help but nothing like what is needed and I have…

So I am in the market to find something new as my current role will be dissolved within 6-8 months, and I would rather not try to move to a new team as this company is not the greatest at retention and attrition. They buy out companies, and gradually trim out everything and about 10% of the people would be left who may or may not still have a job at the end of the process. Well our company was acquired and when 5 of us were part of the acquisition, it ended up just being me left behind as everyone else had left voluntarily, medically or simply never came back from sick leave. Since then I was the only one doing the work of all 5 people for about 5 months. Well, 3 months ago I finally get some help but nothing like what is needed and I have simply had enough and I am now looking for something else… this part is a whole Antiwork story in itself.

Come to the title of the story. I reached out to a prospective company regarding one of their positions and they responded with interest. I set up a meeting with them on their web/calendar link they provided and set it for Wednesday 3pm. Well, Wednesday came about and I saw that the meeting invite was not pinging me, despite being ready to go. I check my calendar and I see that it was actually set for Thursday instead for the same time, not Wednesday. Ok, I will take some blame for that as I failed to notice the date when the notification came out after booking the interview.

Well yesterday afternoon I get my reminder that I have a meeting today (Thursday) at 3pm, and I get another reminder an hour out that the meeting is coming. I get two more, one 15 minutes out and another 5 minutes out.

I click the link for the meeting to begin and I am waiting for the contact to open the meeting and I am in the virtual waiting room. 5 minutes go by and I am still waiting so I notify the contact to confirm that the meeting is still going ahead. They reply (missing my email) that they had a notification that I was in their online waiting room and was wondering if I was “checking the link” to make sure it works. I replied to let them know that we had a scheduled meeting today and that it was due now… well 5 minutes ago.

They apologize and tell me that it was not on their calendar and that they were on a call in back to back meetings till the end of day. They apologize again and ask to meet tomorrow, so I agreed.

Here's the thing… I know that if the tables were turned, I would have been chastised for making this mistake and for setting a bad first impression.

People, hold companies accountable. If they waste your time, be sure to let them know (politely if you are intending to continue trying to get the job through them), especially if they decide to not go through you. Your time is important and should not be wasted on their ineptitude… it should be wasted on Reddit instead πŸ™‚

I may post an update tomorrow whether the interview goes ahead. Watch this space πŸ™‚

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