
Company Traced My Glassdoor Review Back to Me and now they want to Schedule a Call

I recently left a Glassdoor review for a company I interviewed with, but didn't end up getting the job. I wanted to alert other candidates about the red flags I found during the hiring process. However, the company somehow managed to trace the review back to me, and I have no idea how they did it. To be honest, I'm not even scared or intimidated that they found out it was me behind the review. I've been job searching since I got laid off, and I don't care about burning bridges at this point. Companies already burn bridges with their bad treatment and terrible hiring processes, treating employees and job candidates as disposable assets. The hiring manager even sent me an email to schedule a call with him to clarify some of the points I made in my review and to see if there's a job opportunity for me. But…

I recently left a Glassdoor review for a company I interviewed with, but didn't end up getting the job. I wanted to alert other candidates about the red flags I found during the hiring process. However, the company somehow managed to trace the review back to me, and I have no idea how they did it.

To be honest, I'm not even scared or intimidated that they found out it was me behind the review. I've been job searching since I got laid off, and I don't care about burning bridges at this point. Companies already burn bridges with their bad treatment and terrible hiring processes, treating employees and job candidates as disposable assets.

The hiring manager even sent me an email to schedule a call with him to clarify some of the points I made in my review and to see if there's a job opportunity for me. But I've been burned by corporate so many times that I have serious trust issues with companies. At this point in my life, I don't believe anything that comes from them, especially if they start dangling carrots in front of me.

I admit, I'm curious to know how they traced the review back to me, but I'm not willing to risk my privacy to find out. I also want to know if anyone else has had a similar experience with Glassdoor reviews being traced back to them. What are your thoughts on this situation? Should I take the call from the hiring manager, or is it not worth my time?

I'm open to any honest feedback and opinions. Thanks for reading.

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