
Company wage woes

On mobile so excuse any errors made, and if this seems incoherent. I’m not the best at writing out frustrations. I work at a place that does windows and doors. We build them, ship them, and that’s about it. We know we don’t exactly have a hard job, it’s actually quite easy and heavy lifting doesn’t happen often. My immediate boss is a good man for the most part, so all of my gripes are with the owners. So the gripes are mainly with pay. We’re underpaid for the industry. I get 11.50 an hour, our highest paid position is 13 an hour. We have zero benefits. For reasons unknown to me most people there have just put up with it and haven’t tried to get raises. I have been at this company for roughly a year and have seen one raise. I have learned more than one department and…

On mobile so excuse any errors made, and if this seems incoherent. I’m not the best at writing out frustrations.

I work at a place that does windows and doors. We build them, ship them, and that’s about it. We know we don’t exactly have a hard job, it’s actually quite easy and heavy lifting doesn’t happen often. My immediate boss is a good man for the most part, so all of my gripes are with the owners.

So the gripes are mainly with pay. We’re underpaid for the industry. I get 11.50 an hour, our highest paid position is 13 an hour. We have zero benefits. For reasons unknown to me most people there have just put up with it and haven’t tried to get raises. I have been at this company for roughly a year and have seen one raise. I have learned more than one department and have previous experience in the industry.
We just got a new guy in through a temp agency. He’s getting paid more than most of us.
It’s incredibly frustrating to have experience, been with the company for at least some amount of time, and having learned whenever possible, just to see someone with zero relevant experience get paid more in an easier position. I’m not sure what I can do, or what to say to the others that are also frustrated by this, to get them to band together and demand better pay. Fast food right down the street is paying 2-3 more an hour starting.

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