
Competition is not What Drives Progress, Innovation is.

Whenever you meet someone who claims capitalism is a good system because “competition is what drives progress” be sure to educate them that innovation is what truly drives progress. Innovation can be motivated by competition or cooperation. It's just typically competitive innovation is more proactive and satisfies people's needs or wants before they see it, while cooperative innovation is more reactive and satisfies people's needs or wants as they happen. Our species did not form civilizations based on competing with each other, they formed groups and roamed as hunter gatherers. They cooperated to divide the labor into easier parts. The other problem with competition vs cooperation is that competition is destructive while cooperation is empowering. Competition forces you into conflict with others, while cooperation motivates you into understanding how you can both continue to grow. Competition breeds envy, while cooperation breeds happiness. The only reason that competition has beaten out…

Whenever you meet someone who claims capitalism is a good system because “competition is what drives progress” be sure to educate them that innovation is what truly drives progress. Innovation can be motivated by competition or cooperation. It's just typically competitive innovation is more proactive and satisfies people's needs or wants before they see it, while cooperative innovation is more reactive and satisfies people's needs or wants as they happen.

Our species did not form civilizations based on competing with each other, they formed groups and roamed as hunter gatherers. They cooperated to divide the labor into easier parts. The other problem with competition vs cooperation is that competition is destructive while cooperation is empowering. Competition forces you into conflict with others, while cooperation motivates you into understanding how you can both continue to grow. Competition breeds envy, while cooperation breeds happiness.

The only reason that competition has beaten out cooperation is not because competition is the best mode forward, but because the government refused to regulate competition. You must regulate competition because of the asymmetry of effort principle. It's much easier to destroy something than to build. It's must easier to sabotage competition than it is to actually compete once you have resources. Or buy them out. Or do anything.

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