
Computer being survailed by the company (surveillance of time used and what programs, maybe more) – How illegal and what to do to protect myself?

This is my first job out of academia. I work for a complete control freak CEO. CEO demands to know where we are on our work at home days (calls, messages, interrogations) and is massive micromanager. They oblige us to use a clock-in program that surveils our location in real time. CEO makes more mess than helps, constantly giving last minute tasks and then exploding if not done in time. I am in a senior middle management position for perspective. Now my COO just announced that we are to install anti-virus in our computers. However, the COO told to another colleague that the program they install also logs activity and what applications we are using. I suspect they will record more information (i.e. chats, emails etc). I already know for a fact that my CEO doesn't have any problems going through other people's mails without their permission, as they has…

This is my first job out of academia. I work for a complete control freak CEO. CEO demands to know where we are on our work at home days (calls, messages, interrogations) and is massive micromanager. They oblige us to use a clock-in program that surveils our location in real time.

CEO makes more mess than helps, constantly giving last minute tasks and then exploding if not done in time. I am in a senior middle management position for perspective.

Now my COO just announced that we are to install anti-virus in our computers.

However, the COO told to another colleague that the program they install also logs activity and what applications we are using. I suspect they will record more information (i.e. chats, emails etc). I already know for a fact that my CEO doesn't have any problems going through other people's mails without their permission, as they has told me this about other people they have checked up on and “got info” from.

Quitting is not an option atm so don't suggest that.

So my question is: How do I protect myself? How do I make sure I will look perfect until I can leave this neurotic crazy place? They have already taken away some benefits and vacation days because of the “discovery” that once my work at home day was used for something else. I work 9-10h a day.

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