
Condescending Boss Gets Called out Throws Autism in my Face

I work in IT for a small company, we're a department of two. She came to my location because of an audit, we work in a bank. She also brought scanners to set up. The whole set up process was condescending it was tone and attitude. It wasn't a hard task and I've done it many times before. But my boss got rude so I got quiet and just kept my mouth shut. She later asked me why I was quiet and I told her honestly that she was being condescending. She said she didn't mean it that way and I said ok and just went on with my day. At the end of the day she cam back to my office and brought it up again. I held my ground and repeated that she may nor have realized it but she was being condescending. I held firm. She asked…

I work in IT for a small company, we're a department of two. She came to my location because of an audit, we work in a bank. She also brought scanners to set up. The whole set up process was condescending it was tone and attitude. It wasn't a hard task and I've done it many times before. But my boss got rude so I got quiet and just kept my mouth shut. She later asked me why I was quiet and I told her honestly that she was being condescending. She said she didn't mean it that way and I said ok and just went on with my day. At the end of the day she cam back to my office and brought it up again. I held my ground and repeated that she may nor have realized it but she was being condescending. I held firm. She asked if it had happened before and I said yes. She asked for specifics, I don't keep tally and said that. She then told me I was thin skinned. I said no, but you asked I told the truth, and you hit a button. And then she asked me how autistic I am. (It's mild but that's not the point). She then told me that this conversation stays between us. What do I do?

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