
Conflicted feelings on being able to work less than my mate.

In my country there is a form of special education called “fp”, the principal idea is to Form Profesionally people in order to go to work. One of the types is one called Dual, wich works allowing you to work on a company while studying. Normally this work cool, since you get paid the minimun salary, and for a student that makes living hella easier. Ours worked wrong since the beggining, our written agreement was badly written, full of holes that lead to us working waaaay over the hours that the Fp offers, that means that when you finish it you when the title where the hours worked appear, ours was not like that not only we are being paid less than half the minimum salary for 8 hours, but those extra hours wont make it in the title. The total were making is +3000 hours and only 2000 will…

In my country there is a form of special education called “fp”, the principal idea is to Form Profesionally people in order to go to work. One of the types is one called Dual, wich works allowing you to work on a company while studying. Normally this work cool, since you get paid the minimun salary, and for a student that makes living hella easier.
Ours worked wrong since the beggining, our written agreement was badly written, full of holes that lead to us working waaaay over the hours that the Fp offers, that means that when you finish it you when the title where the hours worked appear, ours was not like that not only we are being paid less than half the minimum salary for 8 hours, but those extra hours wont make it in the title.
The total were making is +3000 hours and only 2000 will appear as done. So I contacted the “headmaster” asking “if I get done the hours specifically mentioned in the agreement, can I get the title?”, and he said yes, but I would make money proportionally, basically 250 euros month, I said okay. My mate didnt. So now he works the 40 a week for 500 and I do the 250 for a 20h week.
I already received weird commentaries about how is 'rare' and 'weird' how I get to work less for the same title, and how the bussiness would hire first the dude that works more, so I started feeling some anxiety lately, and feeling guilty about it. To the point where idk if I Made the right decision. So I would like opinions if some of you had similar situations.

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