
Confront or ignore?

Quick Backstory: I’m on maternity leave returning very soon. I’m starting a new position at a different location in the same company. The boss at my old location sucks but I chose to keep my mouth shut to get the promotion (we will call him Tom). There is a higher, main boss who will now be my new boss (we will call her Dana). The dilemma: as I stated before, I kept my mouth shut in order to get this promotion. I wish I could stay at my old location but I’m also excited to start over new as a boss. People at my old location have been asking for me to stay there, some even saying they were going to start a petition to keep me. I immediately shut it down in a polite fashion. There is even more to it, but I’m keeping it brief. I went to…

Quick Backstory: I’m on maternity leave returning very soon. I’m starting a new position at a different location in the same company. The boss at my old location sucks but I chose to keep my mouth shut to get the promotion (we will call him Tom). There is a higher, main boss who will now be my new boss (we will call her Dana).

The dilemma: as I stated before, I kept my mouth shut in order to get this promotion. I wish I could stay at my old location but I’m also excited to start over new as a boss. People at my old location have been asking for me to stay there, some even saying they were going to start a petition to keep me. I immediately shut it down in a polite fashion.

There is even more to it, but I’m keeping it brief. I went to Dana to talk about the new job, and to inform her of the buzz of people wanting me to stay. I stated “in a perfect world, we would need two bosses here, because this place is so close to home. But I’m so excited for the new location”.

I left the conversation feeling great about everything. Dana was pleasant and assured me that everything was kosher basically.

The next day, my coworker and friend (we will call her Kristen) told me Dana went to her immediately after our conversation. She called me rude and that I asked for Tom’s job. I didn’t. He’s a shitty boss but I never implied I wanted his job. I said multiple times I was excited for the new location.

Tom then went to Kristen asking what nerve I had asking for his job and that he wasn’t going anywhere. What in the actual fuck. He doesn’t have the balls to ask me to my face; he’s catty as hell.

I’m not even that mad she called me rude despite being fake to my face. I’m more upset that a private conversation was immediately overturned to multiple coworkers. I’m supposed to be able to trust her as moving forward, she will be my main boss. But what the hell? We were nothing but pleasant during our conversation and as soon as I left the building she talked about me and blatantly lied about my intentions.

The truth is that I really want the new job. Having two children, this is a position that provides free childcare. I won’t be able to find anything else, especially within the next week.

What would you do? My husband votes to confront her but I’m genuinely unsure. Hoping for kind internet strangers to help me out lol

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