
Confused to da highest orda!

I feel rage, sadness and hopelesness how is this possible. I worked as a maintenance guy (wh**e for everything) so i know a lot of electro, mecha, pneumatics, hydraulics, i can weld, i can work on lathe (on most machines, what kills you in seconds) i can create everything what you can imagine (maybe talent). So thing is.. i have many body damages, scars, burns, worked in -15 worked in +50 celsia etc. with very agresive chemicals, hours in gas mask etc. Worked all shifts of 8 hours and on weekend i worked 12 hours morning-night. My rage, hopelesness-sadness is fueled by, how is that possible, that now i make 3 times more in the office as an idiot who is only drawing (electro projects) how is this possition more money valuable than a handy-man who can create and repair everything you want.. For only morning shifts, 8 hours, no…

I feel rage, sadness and hopelesness how is this possible.

I worked as a maintenance guy (wh**e for everything) so i know a lot of electro, mecha, pneumatics, hydraulics, i can weld, i can work on lathe (on most machines, what kills you in seconds) i can create everything what you can imagine (maybe talent). So thing is.. i have many body damages, scars, burns, worked in -15 worked in +50 celsia etc. with very agresive chemicals, hours in gas mask etc.
Worked all shifts of 8 hours and on weekend i worked 12 hours morning-night.

My rage, hopelesness-sadness is fueled by, how is that possible, that now i make 3 times more in the office as an idiot who is only drawing (electro projects) how is this possition more money valuable than a handy-man who can create and repair everything you want.. For only morning shifts, 8 hours, no over-times… in comfortable temperature, with own toilet, parking space and little kitchen.

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