
Considering a job offer, but they want me to start before I’ve had enough time to take remaining PTO at my current job

I am considering taking a job offer. They would want me to start in three weeks, Feb 16th. I have 3 days off scheduled at my current job in between now and when the new role would want me to start. This time off was already scheduled and approved. If I give a resignation notice as soon as possible, my current role would only have 7 business days of my work to help transition my duties, rather than the standard 10 business days (“two weeks notice”) the employee manual requests. I don’t want to burn any bridges with this company. I would like to use them as a reference. I would just cancel my 3 day PTO and give the full 2 week notice but state law doesn’t require my employer to pay out PTO. My employer has expressly stated that they don’t pay out acquired PTO unless required by…

I am considering taking a job offer. They would want me to start in three weeks, Feb 16th.

I have 3 days off scheduled at my current job in between now and when the new role would want me to start. This time off was already scheduled and approved.

If I give a resignation notice as soon as possible, my current role would only have 7 business days of my work to help transition my duties, rather than the standard 10 business days (“two weeks notice”) the employee manual requests.

I don’t want to burn any bridges with this company. I would like to use them as a reference. I would just cancel my 3 day PTO and give the full 2 week notice but state law doesn’t require my employer to pay out PTO. My employer has expressly stated that they don’t pay out acquired PTO unless required by state law. So I don’t want to cancel it. But I don’t want to lose the PTO entirely since that is a part of my compensation. I don’t think my company would look kindly upon a 7 day notice, but they also might understand. I don’t feel comfortable asking because they could fire me on the spot. Is there any way to get what I’m owed?

TL;DR I already scheduled PTO but want to give 7 biz day resignation notice anyway rather than standard 10 biz days. Don’t wanna burn bridges at the company but want to take the PTO I’m owed.

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