
Considering quitting my job – need support

Hello, I have no one else to vent to. Both my mom and my brother think I am immature and irrational for feeling what I feel about my current job. It’s at an outpatient cancer clinic, and I’ve been there for 1 month. The whole time I’ve been there it’s been nothing but snail-pace training, no structured training schedule or established supervisor I can go to for help. The previous supervisor I worked with for a few days in the job left, the current one doesn’t even come out of her office to say hi to me and check in on me. I’ve been getting told by people to enjoy it being slow cause the pace will get busier. The thing is, I love having down time as much as every else does, but when I go to work, I want to work, not to f*** around the whole 8…

I have no one else to vent to. Both my mom and my brother think I am immature and irrational for feeling what I feel about my current job. It’s at an outpatient cancer clinic, and I’ve been there for 1 month. The whole time I’ve been there it’s been nothing but snail-pace training, no structured training schedule or established supervisor I can go to for help. The previous supervisor I worked with for a few days in the job left, the current one doesn’t even come out of her office to say hi to me and check in on me. I’ve been getting told by people to enjoy it being slow cause the pace will get busier. The thing is, I love having down time as much as every else does, but when I go to work, I want to work, not to f*** around the whole 8 hours. I want to learn more about the job so I can grow professionally. I ask what I can do to help and if there’s anything I can be working on and get told “there’s nothing you need to do” repeatedly. My skills are not being utilized as they should be. I thrive at my job when it is structured, clear expectations, and fast-paced. I’m not getting any needs met and don’t feel like no one cares about me here and I’m just wasting my time. The plus side is that it’s great money. But is $27 per hour worth feeling useless and miserable at work? I think not. I could find a better opportunity where I can use my skills and maybe put my degree to use (Communication Disorders) and be treated like I’m valuable. I’m seeking to apply to an Audiology clinic, I already have previous experience working at another speech and hearing clinic. So, I have confidence about getting to hear back from them soon. I want to leave this current job, but it feels like I have no support from the ones I need it from the most (mom, brother, roommate, etc.) i have a feeling they would be pissed and think I’m crazy for leaving this job, but for once I need to focus on myself and do what’s right for me. I’m not quitting because I don’t want to work, I’m quitting because it’s not the right fit for me, and looking for something that is fitting. I just want someone to remind me that I am not crazy or irrational, there’s got to be people on here with similar experiences. Not asking for advice at this time, just moral support and a listening ear. Thanks for reading.

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