
conspiracy theory: the oligarchy trying to engineer a recession?

I admit I am reaching and have no data to back this up, it's solely wandering 5am thoughts: ​ Background: we see in the news cycle talks of a possible coming recession, and major employers announcing massive layoffs (despite record profits) Now, history refresher, if you all remember living in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, when ppl were lining up just to work fast food for 7-8 bucks an hour, which had a domino effect stagnating wages up and down the tax brackets (which, until recently, continued), and during this decade that followed employers had their pick of employees and could afford to freeze wages… oh yeah also military recruitment was at an all time high just as we were in the peak of 2 overseas wars (whereas now it's an all time low) Obviously just being in this subreddit we know employers having been spoiled by the post…

I admit I am reaching and have no data to back this up, it's solely wandering 5am thoughts:

Background: we see in the news cycle talks of a possible coming recession, and major employers announcing massive layoffs (despite record profits)

Now, history refresher, if you all remember living in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, when ppl were lining up just to work fast food for 7-8 bucks an hour, which had a domino effect stagnating wages up and down the tax brackets (which, until recently, continued), and during this decade that followed employers had their pick of employees and could afford to freeze wages… oh yeah also military recruitment was at an all time high just as we were in the peak of 2 overseas wars (whereas now it's an all time low)

Obviously just being in this subreddit we know employers having been spoiled by the post recession job market are throwing tantrums that it's now an employee's market again accepting the facts as well as DJT accepts the 2020 election results

Now here's where the conspiracy comes in: the large multi billion dollar companies can afford to take the hit that may come from laying off thousands of employees, some of them may have already had genuine redundancies minimizing the hurt from the layoffs, and they could ride it out for years if they have to… whereas we the employees cannot…. by artificially flooding the job market it'll create that line of employees that employers were once spoiled by for a whole decade and put downward pressure on wage costs, the big businesses can afford to survive a recession but they know many average americans will come groveling again

but anyway, to put the disclaimer again, this is an unbacked conspiracy theory and the product of my wandering thoughts, make of it what you will but do with caution

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