
Construction zone idiocy

There’s a construction zone down the street from my house. They don’t have signs up warning traffic, and they don’t have a flagger either. This led me to almost hitting someone twice. I told a worker they should put signs up and he has the audacity to call me a fucker. The nerve of some people. Do I sound like a Karen? Yes, yes I do, but I can live with it knowing I was looking out for SEVERAL people’s safety, rather than just my own. Those who want to throw heat my way can eat my shorts.

There’s a construction zone down the street from my house. They don’t have signs up warning traffic, and they don’t have a flagger either. This led me to almost hitting someone twice. I told a worker they should put signs up and he has the audacity to call me a fucker. The nerve of some people.

Do I sound like a Karen? Yes, yes I do, but I can live with it knowing I was looking out for SEVERAL people’s safety, rather than just my own. Those who want to throw heat my way can eat my shorts.

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