
Continental Clay Company (US)

Just the shadiest, most illegal bullshit. I don't have it in me to type up a whole new thing for reddit, but they seriously fucked me over. This is what glassdoor wouldn't post. ​ They seem keen on making sure new hires aren't overwhelmed while trusting them to do what they can when they can. I interviewed with a woman (T) (possibly owner? Individuals' leadership positions unclear), she showed me around, and we hit it off. Got a call back about a week later than she had said, but I get it, better than being ghosted. Started Monday at 9am, and right away my coworkers were pleasant and knowledgeable, all eager to help when they could, all great at explaining things when I had questions. I was starting to get into a routine, made some workflow charts for myself as I was going to be without a trainer on Friday.…

Just the shadiest, most illegal bullshit. I don't have it in me to type up a whole new thing for reddit, but they seriously fucked me over. This is what glassdoor wouldn't post.

They seem keen on making sure new hires aren't overwhelmed while trusting them to do what they can when they can. I interviewed with a woman (T) (possibly owner? Individuals' leadership positions unclear), she showed me around, and we hit it off. Got a call back about a week later than she had said, but I get it, better than being ghosted. Started Monday at 9am, and right away my coworkers were pleasant and knowledgeable, all eager to help when they could, all great at explaining things when I had questions. I was starting to get into a routine, made some workflow charts for myself as I was going to be without a trainer on Friday. It's a slightly chaotic place, but everyone is great at working with each other and getting into a flow. It seemed like I really hit it off with everyone I worked with. They even had me join in on a going-away party they were having for another office person.

Then, after working all week, at 4:50pm on Friday, T and the accountant (A) (an aunt of hers? someone in the family, I hadn't worked with her really, but her office was next to my desk) called me into an unused office as I was packing up to leave. T said -nothing- while A told me that “We have determined it's not a good fit.” I was stunned because until that second, it seemed like a great fit. So I asked why it wasn't a good fit (I have had a hell of a time just getting hired places, and I like to know what went wrong so I can do better next time) and her response was “Well, um, it's just, uh just not a good fit… Here's your check for what you worked for the week.” I took the check and left utterly baffled. T was in this tiny unused office the whole time with us and didn't say a word, even though she was my point person all week. I get MN is an at will state, but what? Come on, you can't just do a guy dirty like that. No clue what happened, still confused a week later.

I called several weeks later (today May 5th 2022) to get an explanation as a part of figuring out a larger personal situation. Apparently T wasn't available so they connected me to A again. I asked for an explanation, and her response was “we're not at liberty to discuss that with you now or in the future.” I asked for even the briefest of reasons, and was met with the same response, then she spoke over me in just the most Minnesota passive aggressive way when I asked for a reason why they would not discuss this with me and then she hung up on me.

Just got off the phone with the Department of Labor, and it's definitely illegal that they refused to give me a reason. Unfortunately workers only get 15 days to request an explanation in writing so I'm shit out of luck.

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