Ok so I need advice on a situation. And to start, I don’t think it would be easy to find a new job because I had some fraud happen earlier this year on my CC and my credit score is shot. Which in the financial industry makes it tough to find a job. But I could always pursue building a business I would just need to crowdfund a bit(credit score again).
So the situation:
I started this job in May, dream job as director of operations Which was a miracle because I was a CX associate previously, both at startups so you know different hats and all. I more than doubled my salary and my schedule was always set for a 4 day work week which is in the contract I signed since I’m the weekend person. I do only work 34 hrs though too. So because of this, I was paid more than they originally offered for others. I like it. But within 2 weeks of starting, regulations and legal status for crypto(my specialty) was changing and I was told I wouldn’t be able to do my job now. So for the past 6 months, I’ve been “hanging tight” and trying to help out where I was allowed to and make myself valuable. But realistically, I really don’t do anything because they tell me I can’t, so I’m in constant fear that they’ll just get rid of me even though they said they won’t. Well, they found other coverage for what my shift is, but never asked me if I wanted to change off the weekend.
But they’re trying to move me to Monday-Friday which would also be 40 hr week and they want me to learn a new field which is also something I’m not interested in at all. I do have a couple side hustles I can rely on for a few months and a big business plan I have looking for investors, but I’d rather not leave this job because of the potential and it’s the only place with a culture that I can agree with. So it’s my purple unicorn.
So to summarize, i can’t imagine leaving the place right now, but I also really can’t imagine working Monday-Friday either. My manager a few months ago did ask if it was a deal breaker for me to not be on the weekend, to which I said “not really a deal breaker but definitely not preferable”. So my thoughts are that I should ask for a raise because my job requirements will be going up drastically from the original plan. And I’ll be working almost 18% more hours also.
What other choices do I have in this? Or I would take good ways to start that convo
Thanks for your help!