
Contractor but actually employee (no rights). Urgent

Support needed..I'm not actually a contractor, just got sucked into some kinda sham contract. No training, no direction, no one wants to give me info its pulling teeth. So basically, very little understanding about my work and am expected to know way beyond my abilities. Work with people doing similar work/hours who are employees. Pay is average and not enough considering all my deductions and savings needed to take a proper vacation. Now I have a ” micromanager” watching what im doing and meetings on times I don't have to work. I am scared to even remote work because I'll probably be bossed around or threatened for this too because working together is better for everyone (even tho nobody talks in the workplace anyways). I have to do the job of like 3 different people, and am expected to clean up the mess for things I have no knowledge of…

Support needed..I'm not actually a contractor, just got sucked into some kinda sham contract. No training, no direction, no one wants to give me info its pulling teeth. So basically, very little understanding about my work and am expected to know way beyond my abilities. Work with people doing similar work/hours who are employees. Pay is average and not enough considering all my deductions and savings needed to take a proper vacation. Now I have a ” micromanager” watching what im doing and meetings on times I don't have to work. I am scared to even remote work because I'll probably be bossed around or threatened for this too because working together is better for everyone (even tho nobody talks in the workplace anyways). I have to do the job of like 3 different people, and am expected to clean up the mess for things I have no knowledge of and am not responsible for but apparently “should know how to do”. My mental health is going out to window quick, and If I have to go in more hours because of meetings which were never discussed beforehand I'm literally going to have a breakdown. I have no benefits, no paid time off, no contributions, no STD or LTD, no pension, . Have to pay for accountant etc. Literally dead broke and exhausted..ready to give up…Feeling really cheated and used. Resenting everyone there. I have terrible boundaries and scared to say no for fear of losing my job because I'm a contractor and am at will.

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