Currently working at a factory making 19 bucks an hour, the factories around the area generally pay around $21/hour. Well Big Boss came in to Grace are factory with his presence for the first time. I pulled him aside at one point because he was “looking for feedback”.
I've been at this place for roughly 8 months but I've got a couple co-workers who have been therefore 20+ years But still make only like $2 more than me for the same job. one of them has to share the lead position with another person (and split the raise) and while one of them has been there for about a year, the other one has been there for 24 years. I asked BB (Big Boss) how he can justify the lack of support for people who have been working with the company for so long and that on top of the fact that we don't Make nearly as much as other companies nearby.
He told me people who like manufacturing will stay even though the pay isn't good, that some people just have manufacturing in their blood like him…. But like I'd have manufacturing in my blood too if I was making 4.5 million a year in “compensatory pay” not to mention what every other perks this job comes with(what his predecessor made last year according to
Well, the bright side of this frankly extremely frustrating conversation is that I wasn't the only one there who heard it and maybe I can use this to help out the union somehow to rally people down the road.