
Corporate work culture destroyed my amazing manager. [Rant]

I've been at my job 2 years, first year had a manager who was very profit focused and didn't really give two shits about his employees or our personal lives, well a year in he gets a promotion to another dept and leaves and gets replaced by my current manager who is absolutely amazing, actually cares about us as humans, doesn't ever question anybody needing time of or having to leave early, actively makes sure everyone has everything they need in the office and frequently buys everyone coffee/breakfast or lunch, and is overall one of the nicest guys I've ever met and absolutely the best boss I've ever had. Well his job can get pretty fucking stressful, 4 managers at his level in our area got DUIs in this last year, unfortunately he was one of them (didn't crash or injure anyone thankfully) but he admitted to me the job…

I've been at my job 2 years, first year had a manager who was very profit focused and didn't really give two shits about his employees or our personal lives, well a year in he gets a promotion to another dept and leaves and gets replaced by my current manager who is absolutely amazing, actually cares about us as humans, doesn't ever question anybody needing time of or having to leave early, actively makes sure everyone has everything they need in the office and frequently buys everyone coffee/breakfast or lunch, and is overall one of the nicest guys I've ever met and absolutely the best boss I've ever had.

Well his job can get pretty fucking stressful, 4 managers at his level in our area got DUIs in this last year, unfortunately he was one of them (didn't crash or injure anyone thankfully) but he admitted to me the job definitely drove him to drinking at corporate happy hour events. Our job is centered around cars, and having to drive various cars is a pretty big element in the job, so a DUI was clearly going to cause a problem, however his court date was pushed pretty far back so they let him keep working.

Well it's been several months since then and his court date is coming up in a week and if he gets found guilty, which he will, he's getting termed, and the company has both A) not found a replacement for him as nobody wants to work at our location as it's one of the busiest/most stressful, and B) is still trying to find an assistant manager since ours left, but their telling potential candidates that they'd be working under my boss who's not even going to be here much longer.

So my 3 coworkers and I are potentially going to be running this entire business as 3 customer service reps with zero management at one of the busiest locations, all because the work culture drove one of the coolest guys I've met to make a horrible life altering mistake, and now corporate is playing games and my coworkers and I are just going to be fucking stranded with potentially no management for who knows how long.

Sorry if this was hard to follow, I'm literally typing this out in the bathroom at work.

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