
Corporations are corrupt

I'm sick of companies only caring about profit, it's disgusting, within the same week, the company I'm working for pats themselves on the back at their holiday company dinner for being one of the few companies that have been around for 100 years on the US stock market. The same dinner in which they thank the workers for their Record high profits profits of which are in the dozens of millions. Within the same week they inform us that do to over production they will be removing and pushing down people in positions, and me being the man on the bottom of the totem pole. Just trying to get more work experience in CNC operations, has to move to shipping or packing or find a new job. Those positions also come with a multi-dollar pay cut. I might be just complaining, but I'm tired and stressed that I can't afford…

I'm sick of companies only caring about profit, it's disgusting, within the same week, the company I'm working for pats themselves on the back at their holiday company dinner for being one of the few companies that have been around for 100 years on the US stock market. The same dinner in which they thank the workers for their Record high profits profits of which are in the dozens of millions. Within the same week they inform us that do to over production they will be removing and pushing down people in positions, and me being the man on the bottom of the totem pole. Just trying to get more work experience in CNC operations, has to move to shipping or packing or find a new job. Those positions also come with a multi-dollar pay cut.

I might be just complaining, but I'm tired and stressed that I can't afford to live in this Damned country, I'm working 55 hours just trying to make up for not getting paid for the holidays we got off. I just want to be able to afford rent and my car, and basic bills. But corporate America is the only ones making money. Meanwhile us normal citizens suffer and struggle to make ends meet.

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