
Corporations Suck

I got a phone call today from a corporate account manager at my company (which I just put my two weeks in this last Friday). He told me that one of my accounts (I repair and maintain dish machines for the blue company -iykyk) is closing on Thursday, and we need to take our equipment out on Friday. BUT NO ONE THERE KNOWS. Why TF do these businesses expect two weeks from us (and I'm doing it to not screw over my awesome coworkers), but they can pull shit like that?

I got a phone call today from a corporate account manager at my company (which I just put my two weeks in this last Friday). He told me that one of my accounts (I repair and maintain dish machines for the blue company -iykyk) is closing on Thursday, and we need to take our equipment out on Friday. BUT NO ONE THERE KNOWS.

Why TF do these businesses expect two weeks from us (and I'm doing it to not screw over my awesome coworkers), but they can pull shit like that?

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