
Corporations vs Small Business

Let my start this post off by saying that I am a 19yo ftm trans man. I started working for Fred Meyer at 16 (already identifying as male). Right now I work as a receptionist at a local family physician office. Working for a large corporation was awful. I was treated like crap, given maybe 15-20 hours on a good week, expected to close past 10 despite the fact that at the time I was a minor (in my state it's illegal to have a minor work past 10PM on school nights). The PICs (“person in charge”) were rude and demeaning (and were all cheating on their husbands). I was misgendered not only by customers, but also by coworkers on the constant. It was an absolute nightmare, and the kicker is that in the last 6 months before I finally quite, I was (for lack of a better term as…

Let my start this post off by saying that I am a 19yo ftm trans man. I started working for Fred Meyer at 16 (already identifying as male). Right now I work as a receptionist at a local family physician office.

Working for a large corporation was awful. I was treated like crap, given maybe 15-20 hours on a good week, expected to close past 10 despite the fact that at the time I was a minor (in my state it's illegal to have a minor work past 10PM on school nights). The PICs (“person in charge”) were rude and demeaning (and were all cheating on their husbands). I was misgendered not only by customers, but also by coworkers on the constant.

It was an absolute nightmare, and the kicker is that in the last 6 months before I finally quite, I was (for lack of a better term as the situation is/was still iffy in my head) sexually assaulted by a coworker, was told by a PIC that it was stupid to get anxious around him, was brushed off because it wasn't taken all the way, and because for a small period of time before the situation set in I was in a good mood. And in the middle of trying to mentally cope with all of this, I was in and out of the er and ended up in same day surgery for an unrelated problem and then hyped on pain meds after. I was given the worst time about figuring out FMLA paperwork, nothing was explained to me, and if I messed up a form I was starting from scratch multiple times. I ended up basically broke during the couple months I had to take off to recover (the surgery was at the base of my spine, near the tailbone area so I was unable to move at all for a while). And when I did put in my two weeks notice, my department manager got upset because she had already created the schedule for 3 weeks out, meaning that she had already put the times I was supposed to work out past the 2 week mark and would have to redo that week of the schedule.

Another crappy memory was for my 18th birthday, me and my mum went to go get tattoos done (again, law in my state is that you can only get a tattoo once you're 18). We had the day booked for a few months, and I had the time off request approved for about the same amount of time. Low and behold, I get a call while we're in the tattoo shop, and they need me to come in. I tell them I'm literally in the middle of having a tattoo done on my calf (I'm a parcel clerk/cart runner for context). They don't stop asking, and I give in. They wanted me to come in for a 5pm to 11pm (closing). At this point I buckle down and tell them no, if they want me to come in it is for a 7pm to 11pm only. I won't come in any earlier, and I wanted a 15min break instead of 10min. They agree I hang up. I go to get lunch since it was going to be straight there after the tattoo. I get lunch from there (they were right down the road) and the PIC who had called me saw me and commented on how busy it was and that they could use an extra hand asap. I said oh well, I start at 7, sucks to suck. I went home that night with my leg cramped to hell.

Now to wrap up my little warning post/rant, I quit working there and was able to find a new job pretty quick (only a couple week turn around). I applied for a full time receptionist job. When the interview started, of course the first question was if I was even old enough to applying for that (I was, they knew I was, but it was a way to kinda break the ice). I was the 3rd or 4th interview, and there was still 2 to 3 to go. Said they'd get back to me. Somehow, they put their chances on me and I'm almost 1 year working there. I'm treated like an actual human being, I don't dread having to go to work, I'm make way better pay, and get twice as many hours. I also don't get misgendered nearly as much (slip ups happen, I don't really care.), and if a patient misgenders me, most of the time, whichever coworker they're talking to will actually correct them.

Now, having to be working a full time job at 19 sucks, especially because I'm now also in college for billing and coding, and in the process of being trained to be our offices biller. But it's also a case of how quickly I've figured out what I'm good at, and an actual vital part of the work team here. At Fred Meyer, I wasn't even allowed to be a cashier because they had no more spots (even though when I submitted my transfer application, there were still spots, they went and hired a bunch of people and “misplaced” my application). I might at some point make a list of everything that happened there.

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