
correct me if im wrong; interviews are just a personality test and you to can do nothing at work with the right attitude

Hear me out cause this will make y'all laugh. So the day before my interview, i made a bunch of weed cookies with homemade butter. Never made them before, approximately 2030 i ate one single cookie. Woke up the next day still way way too high, must have been damn near 1000mg i have no clue, dont know how to measure. Anyway i look at my eyes, redder than a nun walking in on an orgy. Go grab some visene and figure im fucked, but i still have to try. Go to the interview, super chill, accidentally doing power poses (leaned back in the chair) making eye contact with everyone, sitting there laughing and mostly shooting the shit. Bullshitted my way through the technical questions, i only ever did installs previous to this, not troubleshooting. Got the job, im pretty ehhh not-great at it. Not awful but not the best.…

Hear me out cause this will make y'all laugh.

So the day before my interview, i made a bunch of weed cookies with homemade butter. Never made them before, approximately 2030 i ate one single cookie. Woke up the next day still way way too high, must have been damn near 1000mg i have no clue, dont know how to measure. Anyway i look at my eyes, redder than a nun walking in on an orgy.

Go grab some visene and figure im fucked, but i still have to try. Go to the interview, super chill, accidentally doing power poses (leaned back in the chair) making eye contact with everyone, sitting there laughing and mostly shooting the shit. Bullshitted my way through the technical questions, i only ever did installs previous to this, not troubleshooting.

Got the job, im pretty ehhh not-great at it. Not awful but not the best. However since the interview my manager just seems to adore me. I dont suck up to him, infact for the most part i turn down overtime and im indifferent to him. I think he hangs onto the confidence in the interview, and my personality overall is one of “eh shit happens” and overall immature, almost got sent to HR a few times cause of dumbass jokes. But no one bitches about me because i just stay smiling externally no matter how dark my inner thoughts are.

The moral of the story. Project confidence and joke around and bullshit in the interview, and at work they seem to care more that i make them comfortable than my actual skills. Im sure my resume got me in the door but they contract recruiters to find people.

I barely work. I come in grab a coffee, sit around talking till break time, take extended breaks, finish my work in an hour even though its 8 hrs of work then hide the rest of the day. So its definitely not that

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