
My job can be done entirely from home, I am asking for a day from home for a psychiatric appointment, the dingbat in charge of HR is insisting I use PTO instead of just taking a normal work day from home for my appointment.

Basically, the title. I have autism/ADHD. The person in charge of HR has been a complete headache to several individuals since she got here. I just want to work from home for an appointment I have on that day, despite my job (and the entire jobs of each of my surrounding departments) being capable of completely being done from home. I've no intent on using PTO for that time just to do an appointment and then come back into the office. I'm going over her head to the CEO to explain to him that this is ridiculous, I've done my job from home with zero issues before and that trying to force me to use PTO for it is just shitty.

Basically, the title. I have autism/ADHD. The person in charge of HR has been a complete headache to several individuals since she got here. I just want to work from home for an appointment I have on that day, despite my job (and the entire jobs of each of my surrounding departments) being capable of completely being done from home. I've no intent on using PTO for that time just to do an appointment and then come back into the office. I'm going over her head to the CEO to explain to him that this is ridiculous, I've done my job from home with zero issues before and that trying to force me to use PTO for it is just shitty.

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