
Could AI be the tipping point in a class revolution?

As it stands in a capitalist system, where our world operates on the premise that survival must be earned and is not an inherent human right (even though it's completely within our ability to change that), I think breakthroughs in generative AI will simply make inequality soar to never before seen heights as it makes the rich richer and decreases quality of life for literally everyone else. This seems like it'll be a recipe for revolution. And that's not even getting into things like: it's that same 1% continuing to wreck the planet despite all the warnings that it'll kill us all, using money bribe politicians into complacency, designing systems that make it nearly impossible to not be a part of exploitation, already exploiting much of the world's population for no reason other than to make more money, etc. What are your thoughts? Do you think generative AI could be…

As it stands in a capitalist system, where our world operates on the premise that survival must be earned and is not an inherent human right (even though it's completely within our ability to change that), I think breakthroughs in generative AI will simply make inequality soar to never before seen heights as it makes the rich richer and decreases quality of life for literally everyone else. This seems like it'll be a recipe for revolution.

And that's not even getting into things like: it's that same 1% continuing to wreck the planet despite all the warnings that it'll kill us all, using money bribe politicians into complacency, designing systems that make it nearly impossible to not be a part of exploitation, already exploiting much of the world's population for no reason other than to make more money, etc.

What are your thoughts? Do you think generative AI could be a key push for our current economic systems to crumble in the future? How do you believe future generations will view this development and under what conditions?

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