
Could this Moneyless System Work?

I really don't know where to post this, but this subreddit seems just about right. A lot of questions on other subs are about socialism, capitalism, anarchy, trade … etc. None of them focus on the idea enough imho. They are essentially replacing money with just another form of trade … I can offer you this service if you can do that for me. Or, let's work together to build this for free, because it will benefit all of us in the end and for future generations. The system I want to see has one sole purpose : Improve Life Quality. At its core there are 6 essential things people need : 1.) Water 2.) Food 3.) Housing 4.) Electricity 5.) Medical/Healthcare 6.) Education/Access to Information All these essential things should be offered for free for people. If we are able to send a robot to mars and satellites into…

I really don't know where to post this, but this subreddit seems just about right. A lot of questions on other subs are about socialism, capitalism, anarchy, trade … etc. None of them focus on the idea enough imho.

They are essentially replacing money with just another form of trade … I can offer you this service if you can do that for me. Or, let's work together to build this for free, because it will benefit all of us in the end and for future generations.

The system I want to see has one sole purpose : Improve Life Quality.

At its core there are 6 essential things people need :

1.) Water
2.) Food
3.) Housing
4.) Electricity
5.) Medical/Healthcare
6.) Education/Access to Information

All these essential things should be offered for free for people.

If we are able to send a robot to mars and satellites into space, how come we can't automate the entire process of water purification, food planting, harvesting, processing and distribution, electricity generation… etc and create self-sustaining cities? Is it because we can, but 'we' just don't want to?

In this system, people do not work, at least that is the long-term goal. Since work in itself, the trade thereof creates inequality in one way or another, all work should be thought to be automated.

Work however is not abolished, it is simply voluntary. Robots and machines perform (ideally all) the work. Just like something can drive around on Mars, something else can pick up your trash or make your food!

People should spend their time on their hobbies, passions, families and to improve their life quality and the life quality of those around them. Improving life (quality) for yourself would mean you would also improve it for others and as such, it creates opportunity for you to seek information and education on how to do just that. So above your hobbies, passions and activities, you would also be able to contribute to your local community or the entire world!

Cities built would be of a certain size. Instead of building expo centers and educating people for the next 100 years of what could be, how about starting with city A1? Build it with the best technologies and ideas. Trial and error. Learn and improve. Have people move in. When it is fully populated continue with A2. Apply improvements. Have people move in. Repeat.

When we reach A523 or so, we realize that A1 (and everything before A128) is outdated, so we relocate everyone from A1 to A523 and then demolish A1 and rebuild it with the latest and most improved city systems.

In future years, I am sure that we don't need to demolish entire cities after relocating the people who stay there, but rather intelligently and efficiently upgrade the city instead.

If I would be a billionaire, I would not hesitate to build that city. Even if it would cost me all my billions.

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