
Coworker (40F) mocks me (25M) all the time but she gets mad if i do it to her.

I like fun sarcastic comments I think it’s a good way to bond with people. When that’s said my coworker seems to have a problem with me. she constantly mocks me and makes fun of what I’m saying during a conversation. Like what I am saying doesn’t make sense. Nobody else has trouble understanding me. She does this in every conversation. The comments she make are very personal. I was once talking about dancing weird in a club. She said something along the lines of “yeah you love attention” apparently it wasn’t sarcastic. if I could be invisible at work I would prefer that. When I make a clearly fun sarcastic light hearted joke about her she tells i am so sweet or she thinks that joke was too much. She basically makes me look like an asshole. When I try to avoid her she will tell me that “I…

I like fun sarcastic comments I think it’s a good way to bond with people.

When that’s said my coworker seems to have a problem with me. she constantly mocks me and makes fun of what I’m saying during a conversation. Like what I am saying doesn’t make sense. Nobody else has trouble understanding me. She does this in every conversation. The comments she make are very personal. I was once talking about dancing weird in a club.
She said something along the lines of “yeah you love attention” apparently it wasn’t sarcastic. if I could be invisible at work I would prefer that.
When I make a clearly fun sarcastic light hearted joke about her she tells i am so sweet or she thinks that joke was too much. She basically makes me look like an asshole.

When I try to avoid her she will tell me that “I noticed you didn’t come bye the last couple of days” and then be sweet to me and when I give in an start approaching her, she will all of a sudden start making digs at me or look at me like I’m weird and talk down to me. I’m starting to recent her and I can’t really stop talking to her completely since it’s a very social workplace. How do I manage her behavior?

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