
Coworker does 90% of sales mans job, gets nothing for it, started acting their wage and gets sh*t on for it

TL;DR: Sales guy is getting too much money for a job he only does 10% of. Coworker and I are pissed and acting our wage. I just started at this job about 3 months ago. I have already noticed that the sales man, we'll call him SM, gets 7% commission for the jobs we do. To put that into perspective, we did a large job that equaled out to around 67k, he made almost 5k off of that job alone. My coworker did 90% of the paperwork, phone calls, and everything else. The only thing SM did was sell the job, easily because it was needed, and visit the area of the job to make sure we could do what we promised. The icing on the cake was the manager asking my coworker to do paperwork for a program for the SM to earn EVEN MORE MONEY! Almost 1.5k more.…

TL;DR: Sales guy is getting too much money for a job he only does 10% of. Coworker and I are pissed and acting our wage.

I just started at this job about 3 months ago. I have already noticed that the sales man, we'll call him SM, gets 7% commission for the jobs we do. To put that into perspective, we did a large job that equaled out to around 67k, he made almost 5k off of that job alone. My coworker did 90% of the paperwork, phone calls, and everything else. The only thing SM did was sell the job, easily because it was needed, and visit the area of the job to make sure we could do what we promised. The icing on the cake was the manager asking my coworker to do paperwork for a program for the SM to earn EVEN MORE MONEY! Almost 1.5k more. My coworker is so fed up that they started acting their wage. She is making $18/hr to do SM's job, their own job as well and then some. They've been “falling behind” as the manager said, and they've been “slacking off”. Our SM isn't even in the office for most of the day. He usually shows up for an hour (if we're lucky) and my coworker and I have to make calls and take calls regarding the sales department. I've also been talked to about my performance but I'm only making $15/hr. Which is barely even enough to pay my bills right now. We are just so tired of it and it is really tempting to go find a different job already but I've only been here for 3 months, my coworker has been here for 2 YEARS dealing with this shit. Not totally sure if this is the right place to put this kind of thing but I would greatly appreciate some advice or even to know that we aren't the only ones dealing with this type of thing. Thanks!

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