
Coworker Rant

Does anybody else have annoying, hypocritical coworkers? These are the exact reasons I JUST WANT TO WORK FROM HOME! It's not the work. It isn't. I don't mind the actual work. It's these fucking ridiculous behaviors and personalities at the office. I have a coworker who is just something else. When I was hired she was away on a leave as her mom was passing. They hired me for her position and promoted her when she got back to a higher paying position. I am not a status junkie. I don't care if I have the lowest ranking role. I have no desire to be manager or have a workload that eats into my personal time. I didn't know her before, but her accountability is garbage. We ALL make mistakes. We all have moments where we aren't working. I wouldn't say shit if I walked by someone's desk and saw…

Does anybody else have annoying, hypocritical coworkers? These are the exact reasons I JUST WANT TO WORK FROM HOME! It's not the work. It isn't. I don't mind the actual work. It's these fucking ridiculous behaviors and personalities at the office.

I have a coworker who is just something else. When I was hired she was away on a leave as her mom was passing. They hired me for her position and promoted her when she got back to a higher paying position. I am not a status junkie. I don't care if I have the lowest ranking role. I have no desire to be manager or have a workload that eats into my personal time. I didn't know her before, but her accountability is garbage. We ALL make mistakes. We all have moments where we aren't working. I wouldn't say shit if I walked by someone's desk and saw them surfing amazon or whatever. We are all on the same side.

This coworker is LAZY. And I don't care that she is, I don't, work has been dead and I'm lazy too but every single time she gets caught (and not even with consequences, just someone asking her to do something she didn't do) she stomps around the office. She runs around all hyper and then starts projecting onto everyone. That she didn't get this done cause this person didn't do this and this person never did that and she's doing so much blah blah blah. She constantly talks out loud to herself about the work she is doing, she's always walking around talking about how much she got done. The other day she was talking to a coworker for 45 minutes and then after comes out announcing I GOT SO MUCH WORK DONE. Like….why?? Why are you lying?? Nobody cares. What is also really weird is how everyone gives her stuff but she says awful things about them. A guy gave her his wife's old clothes and all she does is talk shit about him. I wouldn't take stuff from someone I didn't like. It's weird behavior. Someone will be really kind to her and within a day she says awful things about them. I find it to be alarming, like she feels she is entitled to these acts of kindness.

I have told her I'd love to work from home and she turns her nose up at me and says “I could never, I need the social aspect I love working and being around people” and then she calls in sick once every other week. Why are people so fake??? If we all just admitted we hate corporate life maybe we would actually get somewhere. I wish I could just stay at home in my housecoat and not sit in a drab office with these people for 9 hours a day

End rant.

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