
coworker really just said “fuck all y’all”

Backstory: due to circumstances outside of the company's control, me and a lot of my coworkers are getting laid off. While it's not the company's fault, the way they're handling it has not been great. Less than 30 days notice, acted like they were doing us a favor by paying out our vacation (legally required to), and no severance pay. I get it, it's not legally required, but they've known this was likely to happen since at least October, and push themselves as a “company that cares about its employees”. Came back from lunch to an email from a coworker sent to as much of the company as possible. Said email was calling out one of the corporate managers for being horrible, praising another corporate manager for being amazing, and calling out the corporate for basically giving the middle finger to the entire office. And pointed out that, if they…

Backstory: due to circumstances outside of the company's control, me and a lot of my coworkers are getting laid off. While it's not the company's fault, the way they're handling it has not been great. Less than 30 days notice, acted like they were doing us a favor by paying out our vacation (legally required to), and no severance pay. I get it, it's not legally required, but they've known this was likely to happen since at least October, and push themselves as a “company that cares about its employees”.

Came back from lunch to an email from a coworker sent to as much of the company as possible. Said email was calling out one of the corporate managers for being horrible, praising another corporate manager for being amazing, and calling out the corporate for basically giving the middle finger to the entire office. And pointed out that, if they continue to work this way, the company will one day collapse. Tomorrow is our last day of employment and he really said fuck it.

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