
Coworkers are literally trying to force me to take out a Personal Articles insurance policy.

Is this even allowed? (I work in insurance by the way). I’m seriously getting beyond sick of my two coworkers pushing me to purchase more insurance. Between my husband and I we have 3 autos with excellent coverage (250/500 liability with $0 comp $250 collision, and more) we have a renters policy that is well above the average coverage, and a life policy. I even had to drop the company I was with after getting hired here, which I didn’t really want to do. But the rates were lower with us, so no huge deal. I complied with that. But apparently that’s not enough… My coworkers WILL NOT stop bugging me to get personal articles policy (to cover loss or theft of jewelry.) If I want one I will get one! Yes, I know they are inexpensive policies, but it’s the principle. Trying to push more money out of me,…

Is this even allowed? (I work in insurance by the way). I’m seriously getting beyond sick of my two coworkers pushing me to purchase more insurance. Between my husband and I we have 3 autos with excellent coverage (250/500 liability with $0 comp $250 collision, and more) we have a renters policy that is well above the average coverage, and a life policy. I even had to drop the company I was with after getting hired here, which I didn’t really want to do. But the rates were lower with us, so no huge deal. I complied with that. But apparently that’s not enough…

My coworkers WILL NOT stop bugging me to get personal articles policy (to cover loss or theft of jewelry.) If I want one I will get one! Yes, I know they are inexpensive policies, but it’s the principle. Trying to push more money out of me, regardless of how much or how little, is kind of messed up in my opinion. Plus, our car insurance already went up almost $30 a month just because of rate increases. So what if I don’t want to spend another $5 a month? That’s still $60-$70 a year I can save. Maybe even more, depending on if those policies also take a rate increase.

Even if it was $20 a year, it’s MY money, therefore MY choice! But they will not let it go! They have been pushing me since November about this! It’s bordering harassment at this point. I’ve told them I don’t want to at the moment, but when/if I decide to take this policy out I will. I can write it myself as I am licensed. But they keep pushing it.

What would you do?

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