
Coworkers constantly no show, management is a mess

I work in a small business, but am not the owner. I won't say what it is, but you are expected to have a high skill level and work hard for pretty crappy pay. I'm in one of the high up positions, so I'm paid better than the technical staff. It is VERY hard to find competent workers in this field, especially for the last 2 years. For every 1 applicant, there are 3 placing hiring. My place of employment underpays, then management wonders why we have employees with such poor performance. Two of our employees are CONSTANTLY calling out sick, showing up 30-60 minutes late to their shift without calling, or even just no showing their shifts all together. When they do this, it puts incredible strain on the rest of us because we are a small business with only about 5 people working per day. Despite having several…

I work in a small business, but am not the owner. I won't say what it is, but you are expected to have a high skill level and work hard for pretty crappy pay. I'm in one of the high up positions, so I'm paid better than the technical staff.

It is VERY hard to find competent workers in this field, especially for the last 2 years. For every 1 applicant, there are 3 placing hiring.

My place of employment underpays, then management wonders why we have employees with such poor performance. Two of our employees are CONSTANTLY calling out sick, showing up 30-60 minutes late to their shift without calling, or even just no showing their shifts all together. When they do this, it puts incredible strain on the rest of us because we are a small business with only about 5 people working per day. Despite having several no call no shows, tardiness (one of them is late to EVERY SINGLE SHIFT), and absences, management refuses to fire them because they can't find anyone else to fill the role. They have had ads our for forever. No one wants to work for this crappy pay when so many other places are hiring for more.

I'm meeting with my boss later today to discuss this. This business feels like a sinking ship because we can't find good help, but they refuse to offer an attractive compensation package to attract good help. We are on the verge of not being able to continue to function because the reliable employees are sick of picking up slack and they may look for better jobs. We are about to have a mass exodus of employees, and I don't even blame them. I'm going to try and advocate for the technical staff, but I'm not sure how well that will go over.

I think perhaps I should get out as well. Everyone is hiring at the moment, and I'm also underpaid. Boss expects me to buy this business in a few years, but it's such an absolute mess right now, there's no way. Anyway. If you have read this long rambling complaint, thank you. Wish me luck with today's meeting.

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