
Coworkers who can’t problem solve

I am not here for advice am just here to say that say I am working with people who can't problem solve and it just baffles me. I run my own department at work but yet when I need something done it gets pushback but yet when my coworkers want something I need to have it done for them within 24 hours. Whenever I ask a question or to look at something differently for a project my coworkers just stare at me and can't answer my question so I have to do all the heavy lifting while they do the miumin work. It's been a year since I worked and I am already looking for other jobs. I know no job is prefect but when is this work ethic going to stop?

I am not here for advice am just here to say that say I am working with people who can't problem solve and it just baffles me. I run my own department at work but yet when I need something done it gets pushback but yet when my coworkers want something I need to have it done for them within 24 hours. Whenever I ask a question or to look at something differently for a project my coworkers just stare at me and can't answer my question so I have to do all the heavy lifting while they do the miumin work. It's been a year since I worked and I am already looking for other jobs. I know no job is prefect but when is this work ethic going to stop?

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