
Crap bosses are everywhere even at volunteer positions

This is a story to tell you about how bad managers are everywhere. I volunteer at a school as a coach on the side because I like giving back to the community. It’s low stress and a hobby. The head coach (HC) is a mad power tripper and acts like what we are doing is professional sports. I’ve bit my tongue a lot of times, especially how she acts towards the girls (I.e. ignoring them, saying that she has offers other places and they are lucky to have her, and that she doesn’t trust them) and my gf doesn’t think it’s worth putting up with. Before the holidays a girl collapsed and was borderline convulsing and the HC didn’t act. I called 9-1-1, while she made the rest of the girls run suicides. During the holidays we still had practice even though she went on vacation. She sent us the…

This is a story to tell you about how bad managers are everywhere.

I volunteer at a school as a coach on the side because I like giving back to the community. It’s low stress and a hobby. The head coach (HC) is a mad power tripper and acts like what we are doing is professional sports. I’ve bit my tongue a lot of times, especially how she acts towards the girls (I.e. ignoring them, saying that she has offers other places and they are lucky to have her, and that she doesn’t trust them) and my gf doesn’t think it’s worth putting up with.

Before the holidays a girl collapsed and was borderline convulsing and the HC didn’t act. I called 9-1-1, while she made the rest of the girls run suicides.

During the holidays we still had practice even though she went on vacation. She sent us the practice plan, and one of the practices only 5 out of 15 showed up so the other assistant and I had to adjust practice plan. The girls told us how they want to talk about what happened before the holidays and they didn’t feel safe with the HC and we said we will wait until everyone is here to go over it.

Now fast forward to Sunday. HC comes home from vacation and we have a coaches meeting. We let her know that the girls want to talk about what happened. She then said “she did nothing wrong and if it was that serious I should have called her over.” Putting the blame on me when everyone in their right mind could realize a young girl who collapses like that is in danger and needs immediate help.

Then we spoke about practice, specifically the practice with the five players. She lost her mind saying “how dare I change practice that she planned out” and “how can she ever trust me if I can’t follow simple instructions”. She ranted for an hour. Now I am almost 30 and I have never had anyone talk like that to me in my life. She then said she wants me to come on Tuesday while she talks to the girls to back her up and say we did nothing wrong, and then leave to think about how grateful I should be about the opportunity to coach under her.

I responded “I don’t need two weeks, I quit”

I also emailed the head of the school to let them know what went down and they aren’t acting on it.

Fuck ‘em

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