
Credit union and paychecks

I’m so fed up with my job. I have a credit union which means I get my paycheck a day early. However, the one “HR” person has been purposely posting pay roll late for me, and anyone else with a credit union, so we don’t get our usual day early. If anyone says anything to her she gets belligerent about it and is impossible to talk to. I know it’s a day difference and it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but this company is just a shit show in all aspects.

I’m so fed up with my job. I have a credit union which means I get my paycheck a day early. However, the one “HR” person has been purposely posting pay roll late for me, and anyone else with a credit union, so we don’t get our usual day early. If anyone says anything to her she gets belligerent about it and is impossible to talk to. I know it’s a day difference and it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but this company is just a shit show in all aspects.

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