
Currently applying for a new job, but I have a flight booked 8 months from now for our wedding celebration. I’m being advised to cancel the trip if I want to work.

So I moved to the States last year and got married here. My spouse and I decided that in the next year (this year) we would travel back to my home country to see my family and have a sort of wedding celebration there. Well I got my green card earlier than I expected, so I am starting to look for a job. His aunt who was trying to help me out with a job at the bank she works for said never mind if I’m going on a 2 week trip in 8 months. Basically she said consider which is more important to you: the trip or a job. This is really gutting me because I was looking forward to this trip and seeing my family. Is there really no other option? My friend said that kind of work culture is ridiculous and it shouldn’t have been a big…

So I moved to the States last year and got married here. My spouse and I decided that in the next year (this year) we would travel back to my home country to see my family and have a sort of wedding celebration there.

Well I got my green card earlier than I expected, so I am starting to look for a job. His aunt who was trying to help me out with a job at the bank she works for said never mind if I’m going on a 2 week trip in 8 months. Basically she said consider which is more important to you: the trip or a job.

This is really gutting me because I was looking forward to this trip and seeing my family. Is there really no other option? My friend said that kind of work culture is ridiculous and it shouldn’t have been a big deal, but I really don’t know the laws in US. I might try applying elsewhere instead and just lay out my plan when we get to the offer stage and go from there.

I really don’t want to cancel the trip since 1) we planned it months ago, and 2) we would be wasting money since we would only get partial refund.

What do you think is the best option? Thanks!

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