
Customer body-checked me while I was working and the boss won’t 86 him because he’s a regular

Just venting. I bartend in a sports bar with the most awful clientele I've ever had the displeasure of serving in the industry. It's all regulars and the boss won't 86 anyone because if one regular goes they'll take a bunch of the others with them. I'm sexually harassed every day, which I'm used to in dive bars but it's especially bad here. I don't laugh or play along, I firmly tell them to stop. Sometimes they do, if they don't I run their card and stop serving them. They throw a little hissy fit and come back the next day. I average about $50+/hour even on a week night which is the most money I've ever made in my life, so even when I'm on the verge of walking right out of a shift, I leave with enough cash to feel like I have to go back. A few…

Just venting.

I bartend in a sports bar with the most awful clientele I've ever had the displeasure of serving in the industry.

It's all regulars and the boss won't 86 anyone because if one regular goes they'll take a bunch of the others with them. I'm sexually harassed every day, which I'm used to in dive bars but it's especially bad here. I don't laugh or play along, I firmly tell them to stop. Sometimes they do, if they don't I run their card and stop serving them. They throw a little hissy fit and come back the next day.

I average about $50+/hour even on a week night which is the most money I've ever made in my life, so even when I'm on the verge of walking right out of a shift, I leave with enough cash to feel like I have to go back.

A few nights ago, a regular (a grown man in his 50's) stood behind me while I was helping another customer and when I turned around he body checked me hard. I have no idea why he did it. I heard multiple gasps from the other regulars who saw. I asked “was that on purpose?” He just laughed. I ran his card and told him to get out. He didn't. I told my coworker, who didnt do anything. The boss wasn't there, but I texted him and he told me it was probably and accident and he cant 86 someone for that.

Nobody had my back.

I've been trying to tough it out there so I can save the extra money for tuition to go back to school, but I'm drawing the line at giving these walking piles of trash a pass to physically assault employees. I'm not going back for my next shift.

Even with how well this position pays, it's no wonder they can't keep a full staff. They've had a Hiring sign in the window since I started there and I have a feeling they never take it down. No amount of money is worth letting people abuse you while you're at work.

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