
DAE feel like the interview process is designed to discriminate against mental illness?

It seems like now the majority of people have some kind of stress or mental illness due to the ridiculousness of our world and how work culture has changed. I had a phone interview the other day and was asked the “How do you handle stress?” Question that drives me nuts. I have always hated this question because it seems like it’s designed to make people lie. Depending on the job anyone gets stressed and if you’re mentally I’ll it’s even harder. How am I supposed to answer? “I have severe anxiety so I’ll probably have a panic attack and daze out for an hour until I can calm down enough to finish my work”? Every time I lie my ass off. Most of these non technical questions I lie my ass off. This is also a mental health company lmao. It is supposedly illegal to discriminate but I think…

It seems like now the majority of people have some kind of stress or mental illness due to the ridiculousness of our world and how work culture has changed. I had a phone interview the other day and was asked the “How do you handle stress?” Question that drives me nuts. I have always hated this question because it seems like it’s designed to make people lie. Depending on the job anyone gets stressed and if you’re mentally I’ll it’s even harder. How am I supposed to answer? “I have severe anxiety so I’ll probably have a panic attack and daze out for an hour until I can calm down enough to finish my work”? Every time I lie my ass off. Most of these non technical questions I lie my ass off. This is also a mental health company lmao. It is supposedly illegal to discriminate but I think they’ve always just found ways to skirt around it. It’s why I don’t put a photo on LinkedIn. What’s the point of that? So you can decide if I’m beautiful enough for the job?

Sometimes after completing dozens of phone interviews and interviews with how demeaning they feel it feels easier just to stay in your toxic shitty job with a micromanaging boss. The only reason I’m making an effort is so if I have to deal with bullshit at least I can deal with it in my safe space at home.

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