
DAE find this hard to believe?

63% of Americans Live Paycheck to Paycheck 10 years ago it was around 70-76% of Americans. Many people have started their own businesses during the pandemic but news outlets have consistently reported the economic hardship many people have gone through over COVID with millions of people being laid off and not able to find work. This set my bullshit radar off bc I highly doubt it's just 63%. When I tried to Google to fact check it said 76% was an inflated number according to Politico. DAE think this is bs or is this legit? Bc if it is, it would mean less people are living paycheck to paycheck. Or does it leave out the fact that since more people are not working they are not being counted as living paycheck to paycheck though they are still struggling (the point of having these paycheck to paycheck articles). Genuinely curious!

63% of Americans Live Paycheck to Paycheck

10 years ago it was around 70-76% of Americans.

Many people have started their own businesses during the pandemic but news outlets have consistently reported the economic hardship many people have gone through over COVID with millions of people being laid off and not able to find work.

This set my bullshit radar off bc I highly doubt it's just 63%. When I tried to Google to fact check it said 76% was an inflated number according to Politico.

DAE think this is bs or is this legit? Bc if it is, it would mean less people are living paycheck to paycheck. Or does it leave out the fact that since more people are not working they are not being counted as living paycheck to paycheck though they are still struggling (the point of having these paycheck to paycheck articles).

Genuinely curious!

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